Historical and cultural examination


Historical and cultural examination (HCE) is conducted in accordance with the "Rules of historical and cultural examination" dated 04/21/2020. HCE are conducted in order to establish the historical and cultural significance or degree of preservation of the object of historical and cultural heritage.


As a rule, the basis for the HCE is the data of a special scientific survey to include the object of expertise in the state list of historical and cultural monuments.


Historical and cultural examination, Zhambyl region 2020

In other cases, the HCE is conducted based on the results of emergency excavations carried out in order to exclude the studied monuments from the state (preliminary) list of historical and cultural monuments.


The result of the HCE is an expert conclusion (HCE Conclusion) containing objective, scientifically based conclusions of the expert organization and recommendations regarding the object of expertise:

1) on giving or refusing to give the object of expertise the status of a monument of history and culture;

2) on the deprivation or refusal to deprive the object of expertise of the status of a monument of history and culture;

3) on the inclusion or exclusion of the object of expertise from the state list of historical and cultural monuments of local significance;

4) on the relocation and (or) modification or on the refusal to move and (or) modify historical and cultural monuments.